Monday, February 2, 2015

Avatar in Vyatskiye Polyany

Vyatskiye Polyany   is a town in Kirov regionRussia, located on the right bank of the Vyatka River, 350 kilometers southeast of Kirov. Population: 35,162.

Avatar is appeared in one of the malls of this town. 
The mannequin is made in the form of the famous film character. 
The mannequin looks particularly original in the classic polka-dot dress.

People appreciated the creative idea and take selfies there. 
Come and make some photos too!

Design exhibition

The exhibition devoted to interior was organized in the exhibition center "Vyatka-Expo" from January, 30 to February,2. 
Professionals from other cities and countries participated in the jury. This year among the guests at the show turned out to be Matteo Tiselli, export manager of the Italian company of decorative paints. 
Matteo Tiselli:
- Though  it is very cold in Kirov, but hopefully I'll come to Italy rejuvenated, thanks to frost. We know Kirov very well. In my opinion, there are just millions of architects and designers from Kirov, because every exhibition in Italy, I was usually visited by guests from Russia and, as a rule, they are all from Kirov. You have a very strong community of architects and designers.
The jury will choose the best designers work in several categories: administrative building, dwelling, apartment 80 square meters, the best work on the theme of the exhibition - "Color and Light". All three days of the exhibition the citizens are free to consult with interior designers and may choose the building materials for repairs.