Friday, August 23, 2013

National Flag Day

The National Flag Day is an official holiday in Russia, established in 1994. It is celebrated on 22 August, the day of the victory over putschists in 1991, but it is not a day-off.
Russian Flag Day - a holiday to unite the society on eternal values - patriotism, nationhood. 

In Kirov at 5.30 p.m. activists gathered at the square in front of the City Administration, stretched 30 meters of the Russian flag and carried it in the parade to the Theater Square. At 6:30 p.m. the activists lined up to form a circle (symbol of unity) and the launched balloons in the air. The balloons were white, blue and red - colors of the flag of the Russian Federation.
The three colours did not come from the coat of arms of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, which depict Saint George wearing white (silver) armor, riding a white horse, wearing a blue cape and holding a blue shield, on a red field because these colors of the coat of arms are known since mid 19th century only.
According to another version, these three colours were associated with the robes of the Virgin Mary, the holy protectress of Russia.
Yet another interpretation of the three colours is that the order in which they are placed reflects the Russian social system under the monarchy: white represents God, blue the Tsar and red the peasants. Another very common interpretation is the association of colours with the main parts of the Russian Empire: white representing Belarus ("White Russia"), blue Ukraine (or Malorossia, "Little Russia"), and red "Great Russia".
The Russian flag adheres to the colours of the greater ideas of pan-Slavism.
A different interpretation associates white with the bright future (where the colour itself is associated with brightness, while its placement at the top - with future); blue with clouded present, and red with bloody past.

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