Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Zhukovlyansky quarry

Zhukovlyansky quarry is a large ancient ravine filled with sand, gravel and stones. It was named after the village Zhukovlyane, which still exists. Quarry is located five kilometers from the village  Alexandrovskoe.
When it was formed , the data revealed deposits of a dried-up lakes. Layers were broken and fell to the bottom and created a dam.
Flood waters moved a stone, smoothing out the edges, giving it a rounded shape. Gradually, the ravine was filled with sand, gravel , water flow has dried up. And all this was covered with soil  , hiding the contents , as long as people do not stumbled on it .

In the 50 - s of the extraction of sand – gravel was complicated because of huge stones . Extraction of sand and gravel has long ceased , and the quarry is gradually overgrown with forest. There are a lot of stones of different shapes everywhere around. They are dark gray , many in the cracks , brittle with a complex structure , easily scratched with a stick, and some simply hand. Raised to the surface, they are gradually destroyed by  water and temperature. Obviously, it is these deposits whom - that ancient body of water. As well as the consequences of the last ice age , which ended 20 million years ago. The stones represent the sediments of an ancient lake dried mud , mixed with sand and gravel , disturbed and stormy glacier melt water.

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