Climate in Russia

The climate of any country depends on its geographical position and the size of the territory. The climate of Russia is divided into two seasons: warm and cold. Basically, Russia is in a temperate zone. Northern continental areas locate in the arctic and subarctic zones. The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is stretched in the subtropical zone. Each zone is characterized by its climate. 

The climate in any part of Russia is different, everyone chooses a place that not only attracts the sights and attraction, but where it would be comfortable. You can never guess the weather, as forecasts give us the approximate information. Today, it’s rainy in one part of Russia, and it is sunny and hot - in the other part.

Most of the country has a continental climate, with long, cold winters and brief summers. There is a wide range of summer and winter temperatures and relatively low precipitation. The far northern forest, like most of the country, has long severe winters, short summers, and extremely short springs and autumns.

Even the weather conditions are bringing their mysteries, so it happens that summer can be a continuous pouring rain or not a drop of water. Climate - is that part of nature, which nobody can affect.

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