Climate in Kirov

The climate of the Kirov region is continental with moderately cold winters and warm summers. Solar radiation, atmospheric circulation, the nature of the underlying surface influence the climate. Remoteness of the Kirov region from the Atlantic Ocean and a deeper position in Europe also has an impact on the climate. In summer, the territory of Eurasia becomes hot, and in winter - cool, what promotes the formation of a continental climate. In summer on the south elevation of the sun reaches 57 °, in the north of - 53 °. In winter  12,8 ° and 8,8 °.

Flat surface, the absence of major barriers and east of the region of in the middle latitudes and in the mainland contributes to the arrival of different air masses to the region. In winter, the continental air prevails temperate latitudes. It forms over Siberia and is characterized by low humidity, low temperatures in winter and high temperatures and cloudless weather in summer.

The sea air of temperate latitudes is less common. It comes from the Atlantic Ocean and is characterized by high humidity and temperature. It comes with thaw and precipitation.

Marine arctic air invades the region. It brings a cold snap with gusty winds and variable cloudiness. From the west and the south the warm, moist maritime temperate and tropical air masses come, which in contact with the cold masses form the frontal zones, which are generated cyclones. In winter and autumn Kirov region is under the influence of cyclones coming from the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea.

They pose a significant cloudiness, frequent snowfall and windy weather. Passage of cyclones cause sharp fluctuations in pressure and temperature. After the cyclone usually invade cold Arctic air mass is formed and an anticyclone, which provides a clear and calm dry weather.

The coldest month is January and the warmest - July. The average temperature in January reaches Omutninsk - 14,7 °, in Vyatskie Glades - 14 °. The average July temperature in Omutninsk +17,1 °, in Vyatskie Glades + 19,2 °. The amplitude of the fluctuations in temperature of about 32-33 °. In winter, temperatures reach -48 ° to -47 ° north and the south and north in the summer to a maximum of +36 °, in the south of +39 °. In summer, over an area dominated by continental air. But here also enters tropical air from the south and the Arctic air from the north.

The annual rainfall in the north - 625 mm, and in the south - about 489 mm. Most of them have daylight. In summer there are precipitation in the form of short rains in spring and autumn - in the form of heavy rains. Winter precipitation falls as snow cover height of which depends on the terrain. At high treeless areas is less snow. Northern districts receive excess rainfall, the central - good enough, in the southern area are not enough.

Spring begins in the field after going through the daily average temperature -5 °. The melting of the snow cover is in the south at the end of March, and on the north by 4-5 days later. The average daily temperature changes at 0 ° C in the period from 8 to 11 April. Completely free of snow in the area south of the 10th of April, in the center of the 17th of April and on the north by 22 April.

In some years, and there is an earlier onset of spring. In the spring, a decrease of clouds and increase the number of clear sunny days. The warmest month is July. For a few days in the north and up to 40 days in the south of the mean daily temperature is above 20 °, and the maximum 33-38 ° C. In summer, the area dominated by overcast weather. Rainfall in June and July, often accompanied by thunderstorms. Sometimes in the summer there are hurricanes. Dry weather in the summer is repeated on average every 4 years. In some years, the summer is wet pretty cool.

Daylight saving time - it's time to travel and tours on the rivers and forests of the area.

Fall covers the period from the middle of August until the first decade of November. This is a time intensive cyclonic activity, the rapid increase in the number of days with cloudy weather and precipitation. In late September, the inflow of warm air from the south 3-5 provides a clear, warm days. Appear frosty nights. For October, characterized by instability temperatures, cloudy days and plenty of rainfall.

Winter begins in the second decade of November and lasts 4.5 months. The formation of stable snow cover coincides with the transition of the average daily temperature -5 °. In winter, there is frequent invasion of cyclones, followed by a continuous cloud cover, snowfall and blizzards. By the end of the winter snow depth reaches 40-60 cm or more. Winter in the Kirov region is moderately cold, snowy and dry. Prevailing winds west.

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