Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Olympic Torch Relay "Sochi 2014"

October 6, 2013 The Olympic torch was delivered to Vnukovo Airport in Moscow.  Lamp with fire , accompanied by more than 200 bikers was driven to the Red Square , where a solemn ceremony of the Olympic flame was held.

"Sochi 2014" Olympic Torch Relay  officially began on October 7, 2013 at 12 am and will end at the opening day of the Olympic Games on February 7, 2014 . The relay is the longest and most extensive in the history of the Winter Olympic  Games .
Within 123 days  the torch n the hands of the athletes will overcome more than 65,000 kilometers by cars , trains , airplanes, as well as the Russian troikas and reindeers in front of 130 million inhabitants in 2900 localities in Russia , will visit the capitals of all 83 subjects of the Russian Federation. The Olympic flame will arrive in Kirov on January 5, 2014. 

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