Friday, August 16, 2013

Kirov regional art museum of Vasnetsovs

Kirov regional art museum of Vasnetsovs - the first art-historical museum in the North and North-East of Russia. The foundation of the museum and its first collection is associated with the activities of Vyatka Art Circle, whose members were artists Apollinaris and Victor Vasnetsovs.
Collection of the Art Museum has over 20,000 works of art: the department of ancient art, the period of XVIII - early XIX centuries. (KP Briullov, VL Borovykovsky, SS Shchukin, VA Tropinin, AG Venetsianov, SF Shchedrin, Fyodor Matveyev, MN Vorobyev); domestic art of the second half of the XIX century (the works of the artists: Perov, Ivan Shishkin, Vasnetsov, Ilya Repin, Surikov, etc.), art of the late XIX - beginning of XX centuries. (Artists and art groups "World of Art", "Union of Russian Artists", "Blue Rose", etc.), Russian art of the XX century., Department of Decorative-Applied and Folk Art; Department of Foreign Art, which houses paintings and etchings of masters of Holland, Flanders, France, Germany XV - early XX centuries. (A. Dürer, J. Feith, Robert G., A. Achenbach, N. de Larzhilera, F. Vallotton and others)

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