Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Olympic Rings in Kirov

The organization committee " Sochi-2014 " has chosen 9 cities for establishing Olympic decoration. They are Kaluga, Ryazan, Naryan - Mar, Perm , Kirov , Voronezh , Astrakhan, Grozny , Sochi. Olympic symbols will decorate the cities according to the route of  the Olympic flame. Large Olympic rings will be installed in the cities and stay until 2014 , until the end Winter Olympic competition .

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Olympic Torch Relay "Sochi 2014"

October 6, 2013 The Olympic torch was delivered to Vnukovo Airport in Moscow.  Lamp with fire , accompanied by more than 200 bikers was driven to the Red Square , where a solemn ceremony of the Olympic flame was held.