Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Olympic Rings in Kirov

The organization committee " Sochi-2014 " has chosen 9 cities for establishing Olympic decoration. They are Kaluga, Ryazan, Naryan - Mar, Perm , Kirov , Voronezh , Astrakhan, Grozny , Sochi. Olympic symbols will decorate the cities according to the route of  the Olympic flame. Large Olympic rings will be installed in the cities and stay until 2014 , until the end Winter Olympic competition .

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Olympic Torch Relay "Sochi 2014"

October 6, 2013 The Olympic torch was delivered to Vnukovo Airport in Moscow.  Lamp with fire , accompanied by more than 200 bikers was driven to the Red Square , where a solemn ceremony of the Olympic flame was held.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Zhukovlyansky quarry

Zhukovlyansky quarry is a large ancient ravine filled with sand, gravel and stones. It was named after the village Zhukovlyane, which still exists. Quarry is located five kilometers from the village  Alexandrovskoe.
When it was formed , the data revealed deposits of a dried-up lakes. Layers were broken and fell to the bottom and created a dam.

Friday, August 23, 2013

National Flag Day

The National Flag Day is an official holiday in Russia, established in 1994. It is celebrated on 22 August, the day of the victory over putschists in 1991, but it is not a day-off.
Russian Flag Day - a holiday to unite the society on eternal values - patriotism, nationhood. 

Railway station Kirov-Kotlasskiy

In 1895,Tsar of Russia signed a decree on the start of railway construction from Perm to Kotlas through Vyatka.

The construction of the railway in Vyatka were ceremoniously launched in August 19, 1895. The station building was laid in the spring of 1897. By August 1, the masonry of base was completed , and by the end of 1897 the building was ready. Painting and decorating  continued also in 1898.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

First department store in Vyatka

The development of trade has led to the town-planning transformation. New type of trading houses that are different from the old patriarchal arcades appeared, which were department stores.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Romance Day

Sunday, August 25, we will celebrate a new holiday -  Romance Day. Many events are planned and everyone will find something to their liking.

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Organ Hall

In 1892, at the request of exiled Polish people Vyatskiy governor A.F. Anisin with the approval of the Minister of the Interior Affairs allowed local Catholics to open a house of worship.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Vyatka Jazz Festival

Today we went to Vyatkajazz Open Air. Among musicians was Carlos Dorado from Argentina. He performed with group El Tango.
Carlos Dorado playing with El Tango

Friday, August 16, 2013

Kirov regional art museum of Vasnetsovs

Kirov regional art museum of Vasnetsovs - the first art-historical museum in the North and North-East of Russia. The foundation of the museum and its first collection is associated with the activities of Vyatka Art Circle, whose members were artists Apollinaris and Victor Vasnetsovs.

The Literature Museum of Grin

The Literature Museum of Grin (a prominent Russian writer), is the only one in Russia. The museum is housed in a building built on the site of wooden houses,  where the writer lived at the time of his childhood. The exhibition focuses on the life and work of Alexander Grin (1880 - 1932 ). The writer spent his childhood and youth in Vyatka. The museum recreates a typical furnishing and atmosphere of the family of the ordinary official. There are  original subjects of late 19th - early. 20th centuries (furniture, books, school supplies, toys, etc.).

Museum of curiosities Vyatskaya Kunstcamera

Museum of curiosities Vyatskaya Kunstcamera located in the former home of the Vyatka merchant Senilov -  a typical townhouse of the 19th century. Collections of Kirov Regional Museum, reflecting the urban life of a provincial city Vyatka of the XIX and XX centuries are found in five exhibition halls. This is a collection of watches, porcelain and earthenware, household and art metal wares, clothing and furniture, musical instruments. The exhibition was opened in 1992. It was built on the Collector's principle -This is a collection of objects that existed in the urban environment in the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century: clocks , dishes, porcelain and earthenware, household appliances, and furniture.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The castle of Tikhon Bulychev

The castle of Tikhon Bulychev
A wonderful castle with iron fence is a house built for the merchant Tikhon Bulychev by an architect Ivan Apollonovich Charushin in 1911.

Vyatka Paleontological Museum

Vyatka Paleontological Museum is a unique place where you can see a six-meters long Tarbosaurus skeleton.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Film festival in the open air

10 nights in Rome - film festival in Kirov,Russia
Film festival in the open air
"10 nights in Rome"

Like a year ago, the pavers at the Jazz Club "Old Town" for 10 nights turn into street theater.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The sweetest month of the year

The sweetest month of the year comes in Kirov: it is precisely in the middle of August we celebrate the "Honey Spas". These days we try different varieties of honey and invite friends and family over for tea. The citizens can purchase the freshest product on special sweet "honey" fairs.  Honey and bee products will be sold in the park near the circus from 12 to 16 August.  Another trading floor will be an area near the Philharmonic Concert Hall, where trade will be rolled out from 10 to 16 August.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Launching sky lanterns

Launching sky lanterns on saturdays in Aleksandrovskii Park in Kirov has become a tradition.

Sky lanterns launch
Before launh you can walk in the park and along the embankment.
Enjoy a couple of pictures taken in the park!

"Suicide" bridge in Aleksandrovskii Park. Kirov


Vyatka river embankment